★The CW★ Free Watch The Wolf of Wall Street


synopsis=Based on the true story of Jordan Belfort, from his rise to a wealthy stock-broker living the high life to his fall involving crime, corruption and the federal government

Matthew McConaughey

1110977 Votes


runtime=3hour 0minute

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And McConaughey's chest-pounding humfest.

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Business? a coffee shop. This and moonlight easily the best movies imo. Imma tell my kid that this was Barbie (just won't show em this scene. Stevvvvvveeeeeee maddennnnnnnnn. Free watch the wolf of wall street online free. Free watch the wolf of wall street online for free. Free watch the wolf of wall street movie free online. This scene is a milestone in cinematic history, that's real craftmanship, well done. Im a female but damn...

The chickens are coming home to roost, what does he mean by that. 10 likes if I should watch the movie. Stibbbb Maddin. Watch for free the wolf of wall street. Hypergamy doesn't care. Free Watch The Wolf of wall street institute. I lost it when leo decided to follow along that tune he's making. Free watch the wolf of wall street 123movies. I love this movie soooo much i watched this movie 20 times by myself oo god i loved it. WHEN IS THIS COMING OUT. Free watch the wolf of wall street free full movie.

Must have been a prosthetic Jonah hill had.

Notice how the audio has jordan saying something like that but his mouth doesnt match it

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Free Watch The wolf of wall street

Free watch the wolf of wall street on netflix. Watch free the wolf of wall street. Free watch the wolf of wall street putlocker. Free watch the wolf of wall street free. The Wolf of Wall Street, which is Martin Scorsese's new film based supposedly on a true story and book by Jordan Belfort, is not only the single worst film I have seen in 2013 so far, but it is also one of the worst films that I have ever had the misfortune of sitting through. The film sounded interesting enough as I have an interest in wall street and the business world and more times than not I have enjoyed Martin Scorsese's films and Leonardo DiCaprio as well as their collaborations together, but this film just did not work. First off, I think that this is one of the most vulgar and profane films that I have ever seen. I would actually be curious to know how many profanities were uttered during the course of this film because it must have been an awful lot because there was barely a minute that went by without someone cursing. Besides the filthy language and lots of it, the film showed the lifestyles these characters lived and showed in graphic detail all the immoral and perverse things that they were up to. Basically this was the whole of the film, showing a bunch of spoiled an arrogant rich people behaving badly with no real message, or anything to wrap the film up with. The film was just endless excess and then some. I have seen a lot of films over the years including some that have objectionable content of varying degrees and styles and usually unless it is done in a certain way, I do not let it bother me, but for The Wolf of Wall Street, it felt like there was no point to it and the whole objective of this film was to be loud, crude, rude and vulgar. To be honest I am shocked the film did not receive an NC-17 rating. I guess I was not the only person to have felt this way because people actually left during the screening I was in for this movie and I read that during an official screening of the film with cast and crew, someone actually went up to Scorsese and said "Shame on you. I wish I could have said the same thing right to his face. This is the type of film that I absolutely hated so much that I wish my friend, who very kindly paid for the tickets for the movie, would have asked for his money back because this film was almost 3 hours of my life that I will never get back, 3 hours I could have spent doing something better, or seeing a much better film. I am personally really surprised at the high ratings the film is getting and also all the awards nominations as well. Did they see the same film I did? To me though, there was nothing that made this film special at all. Every single character was loathsome, so to say I admired the acting would be hard for me to say, seeing as I did not care about any of these characters and after awhile they got on my nerves and I just wanted the film to be over. The film's screenplay was just excessive bad behaviour and wild living with no moral, or point to it, other than just showing it and going as far as they can with the content and hoping that the audience has a wild and fun time with it, which I didn't. Also the film was way too long. At almost 3 hours in length sitting through this monotonous and vulgar bore was actually painful. I sat and squirmed in my seat and wished for better lighting in the theatre, so that I could check my watch to get a rough idea of when this piece of trash would be over. Alas, I sat patiently and this film would just not end. The editing was all over the place and there were scenes in this film that had no point of being in there and others just went on for way too long. The film is being classified as a comedy, but I do not think I laughed once. Often it's attempt at humour, or trying to make me laugh was just scenes that I found awkwardly executed and filmed and they looked clumsy and poorly done. The whole film felt like it was made during a college fraternity party and written and made after everybody had probably way too much to drink. This is certainly a major disgrace for Martin Scorsese, the man behind such classics as Taxi Driver and Raging Bull. I didn't think with all his talent that he could make a film this bad, but he proved me wrong. Unfortunately, people are going to go and see this film and probably kick a big kick out of it for all the wrong reasons. I will certainly throw a fit if this wins any major awards over much better and deserving films this year though. As it stands, The Wolf of Wall Street is a film that I hope to never see ever again in my whole life and it was a rare occasion where I saw a film where I wanted a complete refund from the theatre chain. The absolute worst film of 2013 and don't make the same mistake I did by paying, or sitting through it.

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You missed the part with him talking about the sides that cure cancer

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